Why consuming Probitics and Prebiotics is largely wholesome to our gut health

Why consuming Probitics and Prebiotics is largely wholesome to our gut health

No, you are committing a mistake if you consider “probiotics” and “prebiotics” to be all the same. Let us understand the difference between Probiotics and prebiotics in the following paragraphs.


Probiotics are the live wholesome microbes that when consumed in the right amount, render a variety of health benefit to the consumer. Probiotics are classified as Lactobacillus cultures and are typically found in fermented vegetables. Every evolving research regarding “probiotics” is indicating a range of benefits to human health.


“Prebiotic”, on the other hand, was originally specified as a “non-edible” food item that distinctively will put an effect on the host by dramatically enhancing the development and/or activity of one or a constrained number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improves host’s health. In order to be prebiotic, the food item must:

Withstand digestion processes in the stomach as well as intestine
Be edible (fermentable) by the GI microbiota
Fuel the development or activity of the intestinal microbiota, and Render a wholesome benefit to the host

Prebiotics are largely responsible for ensuring and maximizing the benefits of probiotics included in the diet by offering the most advantageous food material to develop and hold up the life cycles of the wholesome probiotic gut bacteria. They maintain, poise and diversity of intestinal bacteria. Prebiotics and probiotics when put together create a digestive environment, which gets the most out of good health in the body.

How Do I Consume More Prebiotic Foods?

1. Start consuming more fiber-rich plant foods. If you start consuming more fiber-rich plant foods, it will cast a great prebiotic effect. Dieticians have recommended the need for fiber in a balanced nutritious diet for years. “Dietary fiber” is actually delineated as “a type of carbohydrate, which does not play any role in the fashion of food energy (calories), albeit, it is often incorporated when it comes to the reckoning of the overall food energy just as even if it were a sugar. Additional contemporary research manifests that despite fiber may not render directly into calories by dint of our own digestion processes, fiber ensures a great nutrient base for our gut flora to develop and thrive.

2. Search for high-fiber opportunities within your current daily habits. If you are going to start your day with a power smoothie, ensure it is rich in fiber (place some green leaves in or a ladle of fiber supplement such as Validus Nutrition Total Synergy Adult Premium Blend). And if you consume green juice then in every way, you will be able to save that fiber to add into soups which can be mixed into a scrumptious veggie bisque to have a great food for lunch, alongside sauerkraut.


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